いくつかのバンドを経て、Happy drug名義での活動を開始する。
2003年からJamminとしてHip Hop Crew 「Rookies」の一員となりラッパー、トラックメイカーとして活動。
現在はHappy drug名義での活動を再開。
I miss you」は、モバゲー内の楽曲ランキングで長期1位獲得曲。
[Mr.雑食] これからもボーダーレスなスタイルでやっていきます。
I have begun to make music since a junior high school.
And I began band activity at the age of a high school.
I did various bands but I began activity by the name of “Happy drug” as a singer & musician.
I won the grand prix by audition of the Tokyo FM sponsorship when I was third grade at a high schoo.
And I got a special prize by a high school rock championship in Oita of Japan.
I appeared in a radio program.
I belonged to the Rookies of Hip Hop crew by the name of jammin from 2003, and I was active as a rapper & track maker there.
I reopen music activity of Happy drug now.
I give music to other artists, and I make my music.
I show my music in mobage-town of the site of the Japanese mobile.
“I miss you” passed by ranking of the music of mobage-town for a long term and got the first.
I'm Mr. Hybrid.
I make music with a free style from now on and sing.

